About Me

My Name is Lindsey 
aka. Liny Dee

I have spent the last 14 years educating myself on the different religious cultures and faiths of the world, which all started at the age of 14.  As a 28 year old I look back on the information I have absorbed throughout the years and I realize that I can attribute my obsession with spiritual knowledge as having one singular starting point....

In 2001; when I was a few months shy of 15 years old I landed myself a book called the "Nag Hammadi Library." I had walked into the public library of my town and decided that I wanted to sign out random books... and when I say "random" I mean quiet literally that I reached up onto any shelf at the library that I came across and I grabbed the biggest books I could find without having a clue as to what was in them. The "Nag Hammadi Library" as it turns out is a collection of ancient esoteric writings.

A few years later at the age of 17; I had been given a deck of Tarot Cards complete with a very basic book of instructions on how to read them, but I had come across one very interesting facet to these new and seemingly innocent cards...As I read into how the Tarot Deck worked, I started to notice that the symbols on each of the cards was chalk full of the very same symbols that were appearing in many of the ancient religious books I had already read. This made it much easier for me to be able to understand the Tarot Card Deck I had been given since I was already familiar with so many of the symbols found on each of the cards. Earth, Air, Fire Water, Capricorn, Libra,  and Double Edge Swords, were some of the many symbols I had already come across.

  Even still though my search for spiritual knowledge continued. After a great deal of time in my life spent researching history, and spirituality it seemed that yet again my path in life was shifting. Astrology and the movement of the celestial bodies had become awe inspiring to me and so by the age of 21, I was now an avid reader of the technical files and documents found on websites such as NASA's Jet Propulsion Labratory (JPL) digging in to the functional processes of our Solar System, in order to gain a better understanding of the science behind the astrological symbols I had been learning about in the religious books I had found.

... And my goodness; the science of these things was even more amazing to me then the symbols my books had referenced. Earthquakes, Solar Activity, Planetary Alignments, Tsunamis, Tornados and any other Natural Phenomenon that I could grasp; were now filling up my search bars online. The scientific approach to natural phenomenon was so amazing to me that I started a Youtube Channell and posted anything I could find online; sharing it for the world around me. In setting up a Youtube Channell; I accidentally started to read Tarot Card Readings for people online through Youtube. People started to contact me over Youtube asking me to read Tarot Card Readings for them, and in turn I would end up developing amazing online relationships with people looking for a little bit of advice with the issues in their life.

I am now 28 years old and have been reading Tarot Cards for people through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and more for free for now going on more then a decade.  I suppose you can say that I enjoy giving anyone I can, a dose of spiritual knowledge. It is one of the ways I stay "Karmicly Sound."... but my lifes journey is not over yet. I am now transitioning yet again in life in the most amazing way... I am bringing new life into this world. So after all of these years I have just had my first child and am absolutely thrilled to see where this new transition will lead me.


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